Our Projects

Nickel Sulphide Exploration
Experienced Management Team
Nickel - essential to green energy

Londo Projects Overview

  • Advanced exploration stage massive Ni-Cu-Co-PGE sulphide province with a new, high grade-focused discovery model
  • Experienced technical team with >30-year track record in nickel sulphide and PGE exploration
  • Madagascar, a Tier 1 jurisdiction, has operating mines include Ambatovy nickel laterite mine and QIT Madagascar Minerals ilmenite and zircon mine


Exploration Areas

Three highly prospective exploration areas total 1,800 sqkm


  • Londokomanana licence block has 20 known intrusions.  All are prospective for Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide, only 4 have been drilled.
  • Andriamena: Known Cr, Cu, and Pb-Zn-Ag occurrences
  • Itsindro: Cu-mineralised mafic intrusions on the adjacent license being exploited by artisanal miners. Ni-Cu-PGE targets

Exploration Work Completed

>Expenditure by Jubilee Platinum and Impala Platinum; including:

  • detailed geological mapping
  • diamond drilling
  • soil geochemistry
  • geophysics
  • 7,894 soil sampling points
  • Electromagnetic surveys

Resultant objective:

  • Massive sulphide potential not tested by Jubilee/Impala; who were exploring for stratiform PGE reefs


  • Geologic setting not previously recognised; potential for high grade nickel sulphide discovery
  • Exploit nickel price increase due to fundamental sector change (Class I nickel sulphide premium)

Contact Us


David Sumich

Non-Executive Chairman


Colin Locke

Non-Executive Director
